NSU Fahrerliste NSU owners list

Die NSU - Fahrerliste                                                                       english version                          

...von www.NSU24.de

Sortierung nach: Baujahr   Modell   Rahmennummer   PLZ   neue zuerst

 Alles  Neu  Suchen  Auswahl  Detail 



NSU owners list

- This NSU owners list includes: Modell (NSU type), Baujahr (year of production), RahmenNr. (frame number), MotorNr. (motor number), Name (your name), PLZ (postal code, only for Germany), Ort /Land (town/country you come from), email (your email), your website, Anmerkungen (comment)

- You have several possibilities to sort: year of production   type   frame number   postal code   chronological

- If you want to write in your NSU data, click on "Neu" (new)

- If you want to search in the NSU owners list, click on "Suchen" (search)

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